Personal Data Protection Policy

1. Introduction

At Sönmez Outdoor, we prioritize the security and privacy of your personal data. This privacy policy outlines how Sönmez Outdoor collects, uses, and protects personal data.

2. Definition of Personal Data

“Personal Data” refers to any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person, including name, surname, address, email address, and phone number.

3. Processing and Purpose of Data Collected

We process personal data for the following purposes:

  • Membership Registration: Required to access and purchase products and services.

    • Legal Basis: User consent and Sönmez Outdoor’s legitimate interests.
    • Retention Period: Until membership or newsletter subscription is canceled.
  • Product Purchases: Facilitating sales transactions and sending commercial information.

    • Legal Basis: Execution of pre-contractual measures.
    • Data Sharing: With logistics operators and financial partners.
    • Retention Period: As long as necessary to comply with legal obligations.
  • Contact Forms and Emails: Responding to user inquiries and providing support.

    • Legal Basis: Execution of pre-contractual measures and user consent.
    • Retention Period: As long as necessary to address inquiries.
  • Newsletter Subscription: Sending newsletters to subscribers.

    • Legal Basis: User consent.
    • Retention Period: Until subscription is canceled.
  • Sönmez Outdoor Membership: Access to exclusive activities and promotions.

    • Legal Basis: Execution of membership contract and user consent.
    • Retention Period: Until membership is canceled.
  • Job Applications: Managing the recruitment process.

    • Legal Basis: Execution of pre-contractual measures and user consent.
    • Retention Period: Typically 2 years.

4. Data Security

Sönmez Outdoor employs technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of personal data against unauthorized access.

5. User Rights

Users have the right to:

  • Access their data
  • Correct inaccurate data
  • Delete their data
  • Restrict data processing
  • Data portability
  • Object to data processing

To exercise these rights, contact us at [email protected]

6. Policy Changes

This policy may be updated due to legal changes or service improvements. We recommend regularly checking our website for updates.

Contact Information:

Sönmez Outdoor
Email: [email protected]